Author: Babelglyph
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Hello world!
I’m Babelglyph. I’m a 30-something with a MLIS degree and a penchant for sewing and EGL fashion. This is my obligatory first blog post on this fresh new website. As these things go, it’s pretty basic. I’m looking to have a place to park my long-term thoughts to refer back to again and again. Welcome.
Long Hair Under Wigs
I’ve got long, thick, and slippery hair. Any one of these would be a pain to deal with under a wig, but with all three factors, I definitely have to think ahead. Luckily, with just a few simple tools, I can get wig-ready hair in 5 minutes flat. Step 1: Hair in two braids. This…
Garment Construction Deep Dive: Baby The Stars Shine Bright – Princess Skirt (2004 2nd Release)
Today we are looking at this item: I got this skirt in…possibly 2006. Maybe 2007 at the latest, and could be as early as 2005. I was in high school, big on ideas and low on funds. Some guy I knew on the internet who had a crush on me sent me this as…